By: Amanda Knox
After an eight year legal battle to clear her name of a crime she didn't commit, Amanda takes you behind the scenes of rebuilding her life. How did she do that? What does it look like? How did she move forward from such a traumatic experience? In her own words, Amanda Knox will walk you through it all. From behind prison walls in Italy to all the struggles of living her life, again, outside of those prison walls, let Amanda tell you the good, the bad, the frustrating, the hatred and the healing.
While I knew who Amanda Knox was, I was not one of the many who followed her case closely. There was far more I didn't know, going into the book, than I did know. Thankfully, Amanda spends the Free's prologue catching you up and summarizing the case from arrest to her long awaited freedom. That came in handy, as there was a lot I didn't know.
Amanda gives you a look at her life within the Italian prison she was kept at. She'll share how she came to view the prison Priest as her best friend, despite being agnostic herself. She shares the conversations they had and the far-reaching topics within them. You will learn how she wasn't safe from the suicide debate most prison inmates have. You'll learn how she didn't give in when others did.
Once whisked away, quickly, to finally go home, life took a new turn on her journey. She wasn't returning home the foreign study student she left. Instead, she was coming home a convicted murderer who had been acquitted, though the public's opinion was split. Amanda had to navigate rebuilding a life in the public eye while the public wasn't so forgiving. Making new friends was as hard to navigate as getting used to using door handles was. The vulnerability she tells her story with, in these early days of freedom, was eye opening for me, at the very least.
The rollercoaster ride Amanda's case was didn't end when she was acquitted. The Italian prosecutor was able to have her retried- and reconvicted- of the same crime. Which was nothing less than traumatizing for both Amanda, and her family. Desperate to not go back to the hell of the prison, Amanda shares the plan her Mom had come up with, if her daughter was ordered to go back to Italy. Thankfully, the case was taken to Italy's highest court and she was declared not guilty. This verdict officially put an end to this nightmare. Amanda was free and was stay that way.
I was repeatedly impressed with how vulnerable Amanda was in recounting her nightmare. She was forthcoming with the highs and the lows. The betrayals created by her own naiveté and the ones done from another's weakness. As I read her words, my heart broke every time she was slighted or her words twisted into something that fit someone's narrative. I felt a small letdown with every injustice she had to live through. I was as frustrated and blown away with how poorly her case was handled from the get go and how the Prosecutor brought so much of the public narrative to life.
Having said that, I cheered on the victories. I cheered on her being set free and her case coming to an end. I cheered on when a friend was genuine. I happily read how she met her husband as they built their life together. I was as mystified as her family was when she began communicating with her prosecutor. She was able to be more forgiving than I would've been able to. And, I cheered on their meeting as I hoped she'd hear the very words she deserved to say: I'm Sorry. I was wrong.
I was highly impressed with Free. Amanda is a great writer and is able to relate her thoughts and feelings with the reader so well. Her writing was so clear and thoughtful. How she survived this nightmare I will never know, but she did it with a maturity no adult involved had. I applaud her, her strength and her healing. I applaud her bravery to, once again, retell her nightmare with the focus of healing from it.