A Book Gem!!

May 21, 2012

Attention all Roald Dahl fans!! Attention all Charlie And The Chocolate Factory fans!!! Have I got a book for you!!


Ever wonder what it was like to write the timeless classic Charlie And The Chocolate Factory? Ever got curious as to how it might have been if it had a different ending? What if there were more kids who got the golden tickets?

Well, wonder no more. This book gives you a little behind-the-scenes look at how the beloved book came to be. Not only that, but you also get to know more about the genius writer who created numerous books the world has loved for generations.

I encourage any fans of the incredibly talented Roald Dahl to pick this book up. Readers who fell in love with Charlie And The Chocolate Factory will get to revisit this wondrous world again, if only briefly.


May 15, 2012

By: Carla Stewart
258 Pages

Shortly after burying her unfaithful husband, Georgia Peyton unexpectedly inherits the derelict Stardust motel from a distant relative. Despite doubts from the community and the aunt who raised her, she is determined to breathe new life into it. But the guests who arrive aren't what Georgia expects: Her gin-loving mother-in-law; her dead husband's mistress; an attractive but down-on-his-luck drifter who's tired of the endless road; and an aging Vaudeville entertainer with a disturbing link to Georgia's past. --bn.com

Georgia Peyton was the child who watched her parents disappear, but always wished they would come back. Now, in 1952, she has to make a life for her own 2 girls without their father. Her cheating husband has been found in bayou, having drown. But that is where life's curve balls start.

Soon after she learns that she's inherited the inn she remembers and loved from her childhood, the Stardust. He Great-Uncle Paddy willed it to her upon his death and she plans to make a new life there, despite every one's doubts. She befriends the black woman, who did the cleaning, and her children, she hires a drifter to repair the roofs. And bit by bit, Georgia carves out a new life for herself.

It isn't long before her mother-in-law's house burns to the ground and Georgia moves her to the Stardust. Then, one night, a very pregnant woman, Fiona, arrives holding the hand of a young little girl. It turns out this lady was the woman Georgia's husband left her for. Before the night is over, an ambulance takes Fiona to the hospital. By dawn's early light, the town's worst fears become reality. The dreaded Polio has hit them. Georgia is left to take care of Fiona's little girl, Bonnie, while family members can be found.

It isn't until Georgia's Great-Aunt sends her a letter telling her how she's doing in her new life that Georgia's life-long mystery takes a new turn. Her Great-Aunt tells her that the Stardust holds the answers for Georgia. Later, her birth certificate is found in a secret drawer compartment and Georgia finally learns the truth about her parents.
While Stardust isn't a book you can't put down, it is a book that keeps you wanting to read. I wanted to see how Georgia handled all the surprises life threw at her. I wanted to see what happened to her in the end.

Rating: Borrow From Library

Aunt Dimity And The Village Witch

May 8, 2012

Aunt Dimity & The Village Witch
By: Nancy Atherton
240 Pages

When Amelia Thistle moves to Finch, her new neighbors welcome her with open arms-and inquiring minds. Among them is Lori Shepherd, who isn't fooled by Amelia's unassuming persona. Amelia is, in fact, a world-famous artist with a rabid and eager-to-stalk fan base.
In order to keep peace in Finch, Lori must help Amelia conceal her identity. Amelia, meanwhile, sets about working on the riddle that brought her to town in the first place. A fragment of a family diary hints that one of Amelia's ancestors might have been Mistress Meg, the Mad Witch of Finch. Following the clue, Lori hunts through Finch's darkest and most secret corners, all the while dodging nosy neighbors and Amelia's frantic fans. With Aunt Dimity's otherworldly help, Lori inches closer to the true story of Mistress Meg-and Amelia. --bn.com

The story takes place in the small English village of Finch. As in all small villages, the people delight in knowing what is going on in their neighbors' lives and gather daily to discuss it. The story opens with the arrival of the mysterious Mrs. Amelia Thistle. Many villagers have gathered in the tea shop across from the house to observer the unloading of the moving van. Mrs. Thistle has purchased one of the historic cottages in the middle of town. Naturally the villagers feel it is their duty to welcome her. In the process they discover she is on a quest to find a witch.

Lorie, Bill, and their twin boys, Will and Rob, live just outside the village in the house  Lori inherited from"Aunt Dimity", a friend of her mothers. Aunt Dimity was the main character in all the stories Lori's mom told to her throughout her childhood. Once moved in, Lori discovered a small journal. Upon opening it writing appeared. It seems that Aunt Dimity could communicate by writing in the journal.  Having lived in Finch she could offer insight into life in the small village. Thus began Lori's special friendship with Aunt Dimity.

This story takes the reader on a search for pages of a secrete memoir written by Gamaliel Gowland, Amelia's  distant relative. Gamaliel Gowland was also the rector of St. George's Church in Finch.  This is the very church that Lori and her family attend. After her beloved brother's death, Amelia found the first page of the memoir and a notebook containing translations and notes written by her brother. She now wants to complete her brother's quest to find the rest of the memoirs. The search will require many of the villagers' skills  and knowledge of the village history.  Their discoveries lead them to find many surprises, some right under their noses, while others in places few had known existed.  Each step leads them closer to the witch and her amazing story.

I enjoyed this book and would encourage anyone to curl up and dive into this surprising story. Nancy Atherton has written many enjoyable mysteries. If you enjoy this book you will be pleased to know there are more Aunt Dimity mysteries. Happy Reading!

My Summer Reading Plans

May 8, 2012

It has come to my attention that I am surrounded by stacks of books I'm yet to read. It seems everywhere I turn a pile has formed, waiting for my attention. Sadly, when I do review requests I don't have the time to read books I've bought. And since I love doing the review requests, I was fine with this. Any good reason to buy another bookcase, right?

However, this summer, I have made the decision that I want to devote it to all the books I've been wanting and meaning to read, but haven't been able to. That's right, all the mysteries I've bought and couldn't wait to read will finally be read! All the fiction books I have here that I wasn't able to get to, I now will. Same goes for my Young Adult and kids books.

Over the next month I'm going to make a list of all the books I want to read this summer. I want to make sure I don't leave anything out. My goal is to make a serious dent in my vast growing collection of unread books.

I can't wait!!

What I'm Waiting For...

May 1, 2012

My days of stalking the library are here again. I am anxiously awaiting this hold to arrive. It's my personal opinion that it's taking far too long to come in. However, I've never been known for my endless amounts of patience. This may not have been the smartest time to try and cut back on my chocolate intake.

What am I waiting for? Why this:

Letter From A Stranger
By: Barbara Taylor Bradford

Justine Nolan is a documentary filmmaker who lost her cherished grandmother a decade ago—the only source of love and comfort in her life. Her own mother, Deborah, has always been distant, focusing on her career as an interior designer. But when Justine inadvertently opens a letter addressed to her mother, she discovers that not only is her grandmother alive, but that Deborah has deliberately distanced her from the family for all these years. Justine’s search for her grandmother takes her to Istanbul, where she begins to uncover secrets that stretch all the way back to World War II. As layers of deception peel away, Justine begins to understand a woman she never really knew…and she begins to ask questions about the true desires of her own heart. --bn.com

Barbara Taylor Bradford has been one of my favorite authors for years. She writes stories that suck you in and keep you there from the beginning to the end. I can't wait to get my hands on her latest.

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