Permission To Dream

March 5, 2024


Permission to Dream
By: Christine Caine
Genre: Christian Living, Christian Non-Fiction

Have you ever had a dream or a goal you really wanted to achieve? have you ever felt you've messed up too much to achieve something you set out to do? Have procrastinated something to the point you feel it's too late now to accomplish? Well, God and Christine Caine have a few things to tell you: It's Never Too Late. May the pages ahead shed new life into the dream or goal you once wanted. May the words within this book help you see that you aren't alone and you can still set out to accomplish what you stopped thinking you can.

You know that saying: Life is what happens when you're busy making plans? I relate to it sooooo much. When I was younger, I had dreams I dreamt with such passion. However, life, insecurity, doubt, etc got in my way. If outside situations didn't waylay my goals, I had no problem letting my inner critic do the job. Years would pass by until I finally hit that point where I felt too much time had gone by. It's too late for me. I've probably wasted to gift God gave me. 

Well, this book was a great reminder that isn't the case. It's not too late. No matter what life throws at you, or what people have done to you, that goal/dream is still within your reach. Christine shares you the story of Favour whose own cousin sold her into prostitution and how, despite the nightmare she endured, she was able to heal enough to chase the dream she once had. You'll also read about Lori Ann's gut wrenching journey to have children. Repeated loss forced detours she hadn't planned, but they led her to her dream being achieved, though differently than she expected. 

This book is packed with encouragement to still be what God called you to be or achieve what God put on your heart to achieve- NO MATTER WHAT STUMBLING BLOCKS OR DETOURS YOU ENCOUNTER. Many of us need this reminder. The dreams we once had can still be achieved. It isn't too late. We haven't wasted too much time. I hope you find as much encouragement as I did.


Extra on March 29, 2024 at 3:15 PM said...

Your blog has become a source of comfort and inspiration for me.

Jen on June 11, 2024 at 6:21 PM said...

Thank you so much!! Life has been very crazy over here, so I haven't posted as often as I'd like to. But knowing you're enjoying it means the world to me.

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