Well, I thought it would be an easy read, but I struggled through most of it. For starters, the book club story line was fractional, which was a bummer for me. I was hoping there would be more of it than there was. Oh well. I understand that readers are going to want to focus on the characters and how Little Women affected them.
I think my problem was reading a book meant for young kids, but reading it as an adult. When you're at middle school age and dealing with things, you don't have the ability to realize the bigger picture. You don't know how to rationalize things and realize the root of the problem is in the teaser, not you. So many times I wanted to ask Becca, the teaser, why she even cared or paid attention to the people she teased. I wasn't able to read the book with a junior high mentality, because I'm no longer in junior high.
Am I the only one this has happened with? Am I the only one who struggles with reading a book meant for a different audience or age, and just isn't able to get as into it?
A very good point, Jen! Yes, I do have the same problem. I don't read books meant for children quite often because I can't help but read them as an adult. That's why I prefer to go for books that feature children as main characters, but the plot is dark. Therefore, I read Gaiman and classic fairytales (the Grimms, Andersen) etc.
Ya, this is the main downside to doing a kids book blog,as well. Sometimes it's hard for me to take in the books the way they should be when being read. Glad to see I'm not the only one. Thanks for commenting!
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