The Day I Shot Cupid...
By: Jennifer Love Hewitt
196 pages
Her advice in the love department
I have a MASSIVE aversion to love & relationship advice books. It seems to me they always suggest you play a game of some sort and they all swear they're right. Basically, I feel, they turn something simple into something complicated. I'm sorry to say, this book falls into this category- though it may not be as bad as some of the others.
Given how I feel about advice books, why did I read this book? Well, I was under the impression it was more of a here's what I've done in the name of love and what I learned from them kind of book. In all the press I saw and read regarding this book she was telling stories of mistakes she's made. So, I thought she was going to tell you those. While she does tell you some of those mistakes, it's not what the book is about. In my opinion, she should have done that. It would be a much more entertaining read. Probably one I would have finished since I didn't do that with this one.
I don't doubt that she has lots of experience to draw from and has lots to say. I just don't like anyone coming in and telling me how to act during a relationship and then how to act in a breakup. To me, "propper relationship & breakup etticate" will always be to just be yourselves. It may not workout, and it may. Her loyal fans will probably enjoy this book, but I did not. If you read it, maybe you'll like it more than I did.
Rating: Return It/Borrow from the Library (if you must read it)
I do not like advice books either. I was interested in this one, cause of the title and well, because it's Jennifer Love Hewitt. But I guess she's like every other person who writes advice books. Cool review, though. Good to know this is not a to-buy sort of book.
Thank you for reading my review & liking it. I'm a fan of hers as well and looked forward to the book. I hate to take away book sales for her, but I don't think the book is worth the amount of money they charge for it. I love your blog!
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